Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Thing 11: Social Media

Call me "old" but I still scan the headlines in local and national news sources for the latest in breaking news and scandals. The difference is now I do this mostly online.

For this thing I

1. Watched “Social Media in Plain English” from the Common Craft Show.

2. I did the Mixx Tour and looked at the Mixx Home Page. What I did not like about the stories listed on Mixx is that there was not enough information. I would be attracted to a headline click on it , click on view story, and it would contain just little more then the headline. I want answers not more questions.

Next I checked out the Digg Tour and Digg Home Page. Well I must say I kind of dig Digg! It was fun, entertaining, and informative. I could see myself joining Digg when I have some extra time.

On to Newsvine Home Page and Newsvine Welcome. Looks great, interesting stories, but... here it is afternoon and I can't get view any of the stories. Is the problem at the library or the site? Other websites are loading fine for me. Well maybe I will try this site again another time.

Last but not least Reddit Home Page and Reddit Intro. This started out poor when I clicked on photos there was an accident photo that someone posted with a "funny" caption. I find that in poor taste... at least the comments were serious filled with the details of the accident and how it was a miracle the driver wasn't killed. Anyway then I clicked on another story listed under Pic and Images and read a great story from Urbanite Magazine http://www.urbanitebaltimore.com/sub.cfm?issueID=70&sectionID=4&articleID=1174

that was about "a man, a vision, and a swimming pool he built in his garage". Very interesting.
Overall I am not impressed with Reddit. I just don't like the format.

3. I read several stories from http://www.nytimes.com/
and http://news.bbc.co.uk/
but I didn't have much luck with the Washington Post. I refuse to be forced into signing up for a free subscription just to read a few stories from the website.

Have you ever read a story/item as a result of seeing it on one of these sites?
Absolutely...that is why time flies and it is dangerous for me to visit these sites... hours can be lost since inquiring minds want to know!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Thing 10: Tagging and Delicious

OK tagging and delicious sounds like a tasty game. Just kidding I am somewhat familiar with the concept and I went back and made sure there is at least 1 tag (or label as Blogger calls them) for all my posts so far. I am getting pretty good at editing my previous posts!

I had heard of delicious before but I don't remember checking out the site before. I had fun looking at The most popular bookmarks on Delicious right now. Next I looked at the most popular Tags and found a really cool site that let me do the following word cloud:

(all the words for this were copied from Thing 10 instructions)

Wordle: 23 Things @ NEFLIN  Thing#10

I watched the Social Bookmarking in Plain English video.

Then I checked out the NEFLIN23things account with Delicious. Subscribing to the RSS feed is a great way for me to keep up-to-date with what's added!

I explored some of the bookmarks and tags and read the comments. This is what has taken up most of my work on this "thing" as I am easily lead astray...off on tangent...out exploring the www!!!!

I can definitely see the advantage to creating my own Delicious account so that was next on my agenda. The #1 reason for me was To be able to access all my favorite websites from any computer I use. Here at our library we are constantly moving around from service desk to service desk to our assigned desk in the workroom to training lab and wherever....so it will be great to have all my "faves" and bookmarks in one place. Yippee!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thing 9: Sharing - slides, photos, databases

I have been trying for days... maybe even weeks to get this thing done. First I went to Zoho Show and created a slide show.

Next I am trying to use the Mosaic maker to show the possible addition(s) to the family:

Image hosted @ bighugelabs.com

No new cat yet but some of these pictures are from shelters of available cats for adoption so maybe soon.

As for the blog question:
Was the tool you used easy to navigate and understand?
Zoho show was very easy to use.
As for Big Huge Labs Mosaic maker I could never get it to work from the library computers....it always got stuck somewhere. When I worked on it from home it was done so fast it makes me wonder why I didn't do it this way sooner....oh yeah that's right I have SO much time at home to play with the "Things".....NOT!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Thing 8: Communication - Web 2.0 Style

OK so the communication tools in this Thing are 1- email, 2- IM, 3- text messaging, and 4- Web Conferencing.

1. Email: I have been a YAHOO gal since way back when. In fact at one time I had multiple yahoo ID's to go along with my multiple personalities! It seems that everywhere I have worked including my current job at the Library has always used Outlook for email. That is our work communication style of choice. We set up several email distribution lists (send to entire library staff, our dept, dept heads, leads, just your friends for those jokes you shouldn't pass on). Sometimes I think if we didn't have email we wouldn't hear about anything that goes on around here.

2. IM: We used to have an IM program we could log into and see what coworkers were also online and available and if you were at a remote desk and needed to ask an important question like "what are your lunch plans?" we could shoot that IM and find out really fast. It also came in handy for those pesky patrons that asked too many weird questions and you had to put out a call for help! The problem is as our computers are being updated now the new ones don't communicate with the old. I hope that soon we will get another IM program approved for use. All joking aside it was a great tool when your mind goes blank and you are trying to help a patron and need to send out an SOS.

3. Text messaging: I have no experience with text messaging. I had to learn some of the text messaging abbreviations when I was hanging out in Chat rooms. It is like learning a different language. LOL TTFN

4. Web conferencing: In the past I have taken an online class with Solinet Educational Services. I found that Webinar to be an interesting way to learn since it was interactive... if we had a question we could "raise our hand" and we had the ability to click on yes or no to answer questions so the instructor could identify who might be having problems understanding the material. I have also attended other Webcasts that have been not so good. I think alot has to do with the presenter. If the person presenting has a good voice and lively personality it goes a long way to making a presentation interesting. The ability to view recorded or archived programs is great for scheduling conflicts.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Thing 7: Online Image Generators

For thing 7 I found a site for online text generator to do the following announcment:

Dynamic Glitter Text Generator at TextSpace.net

As soon as it is a done deal I will post pictures!