Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thing 3: Blog Search Tools

Hello....I know it has been awhile since my last posting. I am having a hard time finding the time to work on these "Things". First off I had lots of trouble trying to get Technorati to work. The first three times I tried to go there the computer either timed out or locked up in the search. Could it be too many of us were trying it at the same time? Are some of our computers just too old? Or the network overtaxed...umm...whatever..

I finally got Technorati to work and I put in a non-work search term of "Thimble Collecting" to see what would come up. (Thimbles are on my mind since I brought most of my collection here to work for a display. I will see if I can insert a picture later...still learning)

The results were weird to say the least. The only thing I found of interest was the videos of thimble there is one video that shows a collection of thousands of thimbles in display cases covering all available wall space even over doors!!! Now that is insane...not a collection but an obsession!

Anyway back on topic... next I went to Google Blog Search and entered the same search term and I hit the jackpot!!! I found blogs from other collectors, thimbles for sale, display cases for thimbles, history of thimbles, thimble collecting clubs.... and so on and on.

As for the question "Why would I want to search blogs?" my answer is to find others with similar interests or help in gaining knowledge on a variety of weird topics like thimble collecting!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Thing 2: What is Web 2.0?

When I want to find out the definition of anything I turn to google first.... So for Thing 2 - I entered the term Web 2.0 into the google search and surprise ....surprise Wikipedia was the 1st listing.

Web 2.0 - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The term "Web 2.0" describes the changing trends in the use of World Wide Web technology and web design that aim to enhance creativity, communications, secure information sharing, collaboration and functionality of the web. Web 2.0 concepts have led to the development and evolution of web culture communities and hosted services, such as social-networking sites, video sharing sites, wikis, blogs, and folksonomies.

I thought to myself....OK this is not too bad...most of this is familiar. Next I

1. Watched the short video of Stephen Abram kicks off 23 Things at Murdoch University Library in Australia.
2. Read the blog post by John Blyberg, a library blogger from Connecticut.
3. Read the article on Library 2.0 is in Library Technology Reports, Volume 43 Issue 5. Read this article "The Ongoing Web Revolution".

Now it makes sense that I have posted nothing in days!!!! I have been plugging away at the resources listed so I could post something profound and intelligent. NOT going to happen.

The best I came up with is to try and answer the following question:
Why are you participating in 23 Things @ NEFLIN? What do you hope to learn?

I am hoping to learn more about how all these wonderful tools and gadgets work together. I think the advances in technology are great and I have been keeping up with some but not all. We all know the best way to learn is by doing so that is why I am so happy that NEFLIN has challenged us to participate in 23 Things!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Thing 1 Continued

WOW!!!! I had no idea how much is involved in blogging. Or should I say how easy it can be to get addicted. I have spent more time than I want to admit to looking at other blogs. I will admit right here and now my blog will never be as interesting and creative as some of the people signed up for 23 Things @ NEFLIN.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thing 1: Set Up a Blog and Register

1 Thing down and 22 more to go!!!